Make Room For Your Thoughts

The only relationship in life that is not a choice is the relationship you have with yourself. No matter what you do in this life, YOU are always going to be there. Friends and family and teammates and coworkers will all come and go, but you, you’re stuck with you.

But if we're being really honest, our relationship with ourselves is the most complex and often ignored relationship. It is the one we say we'll work on "when I get everything else done."  It is not the priority.

At least that is where my relationship with myself sat for a long time. It wasn't until a pretty solid string of events in my life happened that I realized I didn't know what I thought about what had just happened in my life.

Thankfully, I've had a journaling practice that I can trace back to 1997. Sometimes more consistent than others, but over the past 13 years, it has been my saving grace.

Last month, I took a poll better to understand my Instagram followers' perspective on journaling. Would you be willing to take one minute and answer 4 very simple questions for me to help me understand your point of view on journaling?

(I am hoping to get 200 responses, so 5% of this community.)

Will you help me? TAKE SURVEY