Make Room For March 7th

I've made it home to the great state of Texas for the week, first to see my parents in East Texas, then to a leadership retreat in West Texas, and finally to SXSW in Austin for a long weekend of breakfast tacos, brainstorms, and big trucks (thank you Avis for the upgrade to the quad-cab Dodge Ram.)

I left Texas 13 years ago to try and make my way in the city that never sleeps. And while New York City is very different than the suburbs of Dallas I grew up in, there's one thing these two states have in common, people are very proud of their association with them. I am very proud to have grown up in Texas. I am very proud to have made my life in New York City.  I am extremely grateful to have family in both places and reasons to travel back and forth between the two.

Are you in Austin this weekend? Wanna meet up with me and some other Cool Kids? Come say Howdy!