Make Room For A Montage
There is something in the air. The kind of thing that usually is more present during the more dramatic of the changing of seasons, like winter to spring or summer to fall (spring to summer and fall to winter aren't as dramatic.) But it is just June. It is just the middle of June. But from countless conversations over the past three weeks, the is a collective sense of movement and change.
It seems like the part of a movie where a montage happens.
Or at least a narrator voice-over telling the audience what the main characters are thinking and sharing something that is about to happen that the characters don't know about yet.
"What would the narrator be telling your audience? What moment of transition is about to happen in your story that you might not be aware of yet?"
That is a line from my journal this weekend. It led to an amazing entry with a lot of good strings that I plan on pulling on in the days and weeks to come.
I hope it gives you some food for thought as you dive into the rest of your week.
Quote That Never Fails To Give Me Pause
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world: the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man.”
― George Bernard Shaw
Best Cliffhanger This Newsletter Has Ever Had?
Last week I said I'd heard the "Most Important Conversation I've Heard In A Long Time." And while the embedded link came through on the website, it did not appear in emails. So without further adieu, here is the correct LINK for this great conversation between Glennon Doyle and Andrea Gibson.
"In the conversation, poet and spoken word artist, Andrea Gibson makes the bravest announcement we’ve ever heard. Andrea shares how to boundlessly, relentlessly love our lives by paying attention to the only thing we can control; letting go of living in fear; and feeling less alone and terrified through it all."
Not convinced, watch Andrea's performance of "MAGA Hat In The Chemo Room" and tell me what you think.
Truly Thoughtful Conversation I Need To Listen To Again
Brene Brown is everywhere. And for good reason. She is the cool Aunt that you wish you'd had. She and her team back up what we all know to be true about love, emotions, and leadership with data and thousands of anecdotal stories.

In this thoughtful and fast-paced interview sent to us by entrepreneur and 3rd generation safe maker Scott Annon, Brene reels off countless quotable quips that are just what you need for the rest of this week.
My personal favorite line:
The only thing scarier than vulnerability is getting to the end of your life and having to ask yourself a question what if I’d showed up?
Video That Is Better Watched at 1.5x Speed
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